Adopt Downtown is officially underway with the first cleanup completed by F3 Waxhaw.
They collected 10+ bags of trash from their adopted block of W.N. Main Street.
The purpose of the Adopt Downtown Program is to enhance the beauty and appearance
of Downtown Waxhaw in accordance with the goals of the Waxhaw Main Street Program
and the Downtown Waxhaw Vision Statement. Participants may select one of four
downtown blocks to adopt. The Parks & Recreation Department and Public Services
Department provide normal maintenance of Downtown Waxhaw, but adoption provides
extra care and attention, making our town even more beautiful. The Town will provide
trash bags, recycling information, trash collection services, safety vests, etc., upon request.
Participants may select one of four downtown blocks to adopt. Adopting a block involves
at least four yearly cleanups. Participants also have the opportunity to further contribute
to the Downtown environment through beautification initiatives such as plantings,
art, and other initiatives. For more information, please contact Curt White at cwhite@
waxhaw.com or visit the following link: https://www.waxhaw.com/746/Adopt-Downtown.