Waxhaw Happenings October 2018 | Page 8

M AYO R ’ S R E CA P : O C T. 9 T H B O C M E E T I N G On Tuesday October 09, 2018, the Waxhaw Board of Commissioners conducted our regularly scheduled business meeting. The regular meeting began with some very positive recognition: • The Town congratulated Waxhaw United Methodist Church on their 130thAnniversary, which was celebrated the weekend of October 6th and 7th; • The Town of Waxhaw received the 2018 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award in recognition of the Carolina Thread Trail Cross State suspension Bridge. The Marvin Collins Award represents the highest standards of achievement in the planning profession in North Carolina. The award recognized Waxhaw for the excellent example of teamwork and regional partnership between the Waxhaw Planning Division, Waxhaw Park and Recreation Department, Lancaster County, SC Planning & Park and Rec Departments, and the Carolina Thread Trail Organization in completion of the cross state bridge project. The Town of Waxhaw focuses daily on public transparency. In addition to posting all public information on our website, staff provides at our regular meetings updates on a number of topics. This meeting included reports to the Board of Commissioners in three areas: • FY2019 quarterly financial update. (See sidebar below) • Preliminary update on the Parks and Recreation Master Planning work project • Preliminary update on the assessment project on the Town’s downtown properties. The Board of Commissioners also accomplished the following during the regular meeting: • Conducted a public hearing on a proposed amendment to our unified development ordinance that will allow for more efficient driveway access to highway 16; • Approved the Façade Grant requests for three properties in Waxhaw’s Historic District • Approved an ordinance to tighten and better regulate the use of petty cash by the town; • Approved the ordinances that allow for the acceptance of grant funding that will enable a software upgrade to our police simulator. This was awarded to enable Waxhaw’s participation in the “Research to Improve Officer Decision Making” program being conducted by UNCC; • Approved a budget amendment to meet the new state reporting requirements for building inspections. Thank you to those that attended in person and to those that view via our town YouTube Channel. If you have any additional questions, please contact [email protected], or feel free to email me directly, [email protected] Steve Maher Mayor of Waxhaw Budget & Financial Reports Available Online You can follow this link, http://www.waxhaw.com/103/Finance to view the current Quarterly Budget vs. Actual Financial Report, which shows each detail account line item’s actual expenses to date, compared to the amounts budgeted for each account in all departments and funds. For inquires regarding this publication please contact: Jeni Bukolt Marketing & Communications Consultant TOWN OF WAXHAW 1150 N. Broome Street Waxhaw, NC 28173 www.waxhaw.com [email protected]