Waxahachie Community Newsletter Spring 2017 BSWMCW_146_2017WaxCommunityNEWSLETTERV1No2MOD | Page 8

8 Thank you In each issue of our newsletter, we highlight and say thank you to a few of our wonderful volunteers and employees. This issue, we’d like to honor: VOLUNTEER Ruby Hays – Was recently awarded her 16,000-hour pin for her hours of service. Ruby works in many areas. She calculates the volunteer hours every month, works in the gift shop every week and helps at the thrift store. EMPLOYEES The below employees were recipients of the Service Excellence Award for the last quarter. Heidy Livingston, RN..........................................................................Women’s Health Team Kayla Brown, RN................................................................................Women’s Health Team Cay Kubin, RN.....................................................................................Inpatient Wound Care SERVICE EXCELLENCE AWARD EMPLOYEE OF RECOGNITION Cay Kubin, RN – While making rounds as a wound care nurse, Cay noticed several patients who didn’t seem to have many visitors. The next day, she brought flowers for each of these patients. On another day, a patient who had been here several days was very down and depressed. Cay went down to the gift shop and bought her an angel, and another item to help brighten her mood. Cay looks past the wounds these patients have and she sees the entire patient. She goes out of her way to encourage them and give them hope. We have a patient who has been with us for three weeks. Each day, Cay comes to see her. She noticed on a particular day that the patient seemed a little down. Realizing the patient had been stuck in her room for three weeks, Cay came back to see the patient at the end of her shift. She assisted the patient up to the recliner and pushed her outside. She sat with the patient in the courtyard for at least 30 minutes. Upon return to the room, the patient’s son said he couldn’t remember the last time his mother has smiled like that. Chris York, President | Julie Martin, Marketing Manager | Send story ideas and comments to: [email protected] B a ylor S cot t & Whi te Medi cal C e n t e r – Wa xa h a c h ie | News | S pr i ng 2 0 1 7