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Ever since Jennifer Pascual ’ 92 was a young girl , faith and music have intertwined to create her North Star .
“ I have worked for the Catholic church since I was in high school at Bishop Kenny . I knew that I wanted a life in music ministry ,” said Pascual , who fell in love with music at an early age and was raised in the Catholic church .
After high school , Pascual earned her Bachelor of Music in Piano and Organ Performance and Music Education from Jacksonville University . She went on to earn a Master of Music in Piano Performance from the Mannes College of Music in New York City , and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Organ Performance from the world-renowned Eastman School of Music in Rochester , NY .
In 2003 , Pascual became the first woman appointed Director of Music at St . Patrick ' s Cathedral in New York , one of the most prestigious sacred music appointments in the United States .
“ Christmastime of 2002 , the late Archbishop of New York , Cardinal Edward Egan was looking for a new Director of Music , attended a concert that I was conducting and playing organ at the Roman Catholic Seminary , and based on his attendance at that concert he believed I could do the job . So I accepted ,” she said .
Pascual oversees music for 29 of the cathedral ’ s 46 masses each week , in addition to numerous weddings , funerals , graduations , and a concert series of choral , organ and instrumental music . She conducts the Cathedral Choir every Sunday and also serves as one of the organists . The work is demanding but rewarding . Pascual said being a woman working alongside an all-male clergy has its challenges , but she has the opportunity in her role to encourage and mentor church musicians from all over the world who reach out to her for advice .
“ Being in my current role has enabled me to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world . NYC is a tourist city and many people come to visit . It ' s always great to see people I haven ' t seen in years and also great to be able to travel to give concerts all over the world ,” she said .
Pascual credits JU with helping her establish a strong foundation of skill and knowledge . “ I had great music teachers at JU . Mary Lou Wesley Krosnick was a fabulous teacher , and I wouldn ' t have the finger technique I have today if it weren ' t for her . I learned to play the organ with William Saunders , and if I hadn ' t studied organ , I am not sure I ' d be working in church music . Between my primary instrument teachers and solidly learning theory with Dr . William Schirmer and other important classes such as orchestration , conducting , instrumental methods , ear training , score reading , etc . and always being urged to perform , it all gave me a solid music foundation to continue on and to be a better musician . Also , the very small classes gave us the individual attention needed to really carry us to the next level .”