“A lot of times with a technical education,
you’re taught to work within a system. Real
innovation comes when people learn to
question fundamental assumptions and how
they’re approaching issues.”
math, followed by two years of the
engineering ‘desert,’ because it’s so
dry. We’re going to change that.”
Solving a problem can be relatively
simple, according to Dr. Tiryakioglu.
Identifying a problem is the greater
challenge. “Engineers are supposed
to be problem solvers. But, usually
when you mention problem solving
to an engineer they think of the
end-of-the-chapter problems. All the
data are available. All they need to
do is take the numbers, plug them
into an equation and come up with
an answer,” he said. “But that doesn’t
exist in the real world. The real world
says, ‘I have pain here. I don’t know
what the problem is.’”
He is careful to use the word “pain”
when describing the process of
defining a problem. He compares
it to the training medical doctors
receive when learning to diagnose a
patient. They focus on the symptoms
and ask targeted questions to narrow
the possibilities. It’s the same, he
claimed, for anyone working to
diagnose a technical problem or find
the source of inefficiencies within
an organization.
“When you ask people what the
problem is, they’re going to tell you
exactly what the problem is. And
most people will volunteer to tell you
what the solution is. But most of the
time, the real problem is not what
they think it is,” Dr. Tiryakioglu said.
“So if you approach it looking for
‘pain,’ and ask questions like, ‘Where
do you struggle? What keeps you
busy? What makes you frustrated?’
— then you make observations and
draw fact-based conclusions. That’s
the process of defining a problem.” STEM fields, Kimbrough pointed
out. As society grapples with issues
related to an abundance of technology
— such as defining privacy in the
technological world — Kimbrough
believes everyone needs to develop
a better understanding of how
new technology works in order to
anticipate unintended consequences
that may emerge.
Finding the source of the pain,
according to Dr. Tiryakioglu, requires
a deeper understanding of critical
thinking. That’s why he believes
students in STEM fields should take
at least one philosophy course to
learn concepts such as the Socratic
method, a technique for examining
concepts and testing theories in order
to verify or refute them. A S PAC E F O R
JU Professor of Philosophy Dr.
Scott Kimbrough agrees that
STEM students would greatly
benefit from more exposure to and
training in the humanities and
social sciences. “In Philosophy, you
learn a lot of different systems and
how assumptions of systems shape
outcomes,” Dr. Kimbrough said. “A lot
of times with a technical education,
you’re taught to work within a
system. Real innovation comes when
people learn to question fundamental
assumptions and reimagine how
they’re approaching issues.” “[Having a physical space is]
important because thinking minds
feed each other,” Dr. Tiryakioglu said.
“It’s important to have that space to
bring an idea to life and involve other
people. Have it vetted. Discuss it, and
maybe bring in mentors from outside
to ask pointed questions about how
you came up with that idea, and how
you’re going to turn it into reality, and
what’s involved. That kind of design
review — or scrutiny — brings out
the best in people.”
Students in the liberal arts and fine
arts stand to learn just as much from
As evolving STEM to STEAM helps
create stronger, more agile thinkers,
so evolving physical space on the
JU campus will help students from
a variety of disciplines to work
together — a vital part of the future
of STEAM at JU.
Dr. Tiryakioglu is working with
University leadership to develop plans
for the Lazarra Building that include
creative spaces, a machine shop for