Water Testing and Analysis Market Is Up To Mark and Still In Process 1 | Page 4

Water Testing and Analysis Market Classification: • By Test: Total Organic Carbon (Toc), PH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity & Others • By Product Type: Portable, Handheld, Bench-Top, • By End User: Environmental, Government, Industrial, Laboratories, & Others • By Application: Residential/Commercial, Desalination, Municipal, Wastewater, Pharmaceutical, Power, Semiconductor, Food and Beverage, Mining, Refineries, Metals, Chemical & Other Industrial • By Region: Americas, Europe, APAC and Row The report also focuses on different geographic regions and the key countries in terms of demand for water testing and analysis market. Europe holds major share of the market followed by Americas. There are significant investments and opportunities in countries such as Germany, U.K., Spain, France, and a few more. One of the driving factors for these investments is demand for water testing market from environmental legislations by different governing bodies across the globe. Download Sample Brochure