Water, Sewage & Effluent September-October 2017 | Page 11

“ We also researched and adopted suitable experience from Singapore , which views stormwater as an alternative water source , as opposed to an inconvenience .”
Chris Wise – JG Afrika
applications , rather than hastily removing it from urban areas .
In parallel — as part of the first phase of the programme on the university campus , started late 2016 — by using advanced methods , a water balance was created , which accurately identified campus water usage and then quantified the demand in specific applications .
Several of these approaches have been documented in an academic paper that is being prepared collaboratively by the Stellenbosch University and JG Afrika , and authored by Professor Heinz Jacobs , Bettina Botha , and Benjamin Biggs . These include the installation of temperature sensors in a few of the
facilities to measure shower durations and water warm-up time in two of the residences .
Bathing and showering account for 25 % of the total campus water use and 40 % of residence use , according to analyses , revealing that significant savings could be achieved by installing water-saving showerheads .
Wise says that preliminary studies indicate promising results from this single action and the university will closely monitor usage to measure the precise savings contribution to the demand-side management programme , which he expects will be substantial .
JG Afrika is now undertaking the water-sensitive urban design aspect of the project to identify and quantify opportunities accurately to capture and use , or recycle , as much as possible of the water resource on campus .
Wise outlines that the aim is to “ retain as much water on site for reuse as possible ” and many options are currently being investigated ,
including harnessing the facility ’ s stormwater run-off .
Large volumes of recycled water from other applications , such as shower water and laundry , may possibly be considered to substitute water from an on-site irrigation dam .
Wise lauds the hands-on approach adopted by the client , which he believes played an essential role in the successful outcome of an extremely complex project . “ The Stellenbosch University management has been extremely receptive to our efforts … for example , the new showerheads were installed at various facilities within two weeks of us presenting our findings and motivating our solutions to the university during the very early phases of the project ,” says Wise .
The project has been a resounding success , with JG Afrika having recorded as much as a 42 % reduction from 2016 values and 65 % from 2013 values , prior to the installation of waterless urinals and improved irrigation management practices at the premises . u
* Contributor : JG Afrika
environment infrastructure municipalities