Water, Sewage & Effluent November December 2018 | Page 27

Waves and siphons Waves (powered by wind), tides (primarily affected by the moon’s gravitational forces), and tsunamis (often triggered by earthquakes and underwater landslides or volcanoes) can cause water to go against gravity. The energy and forces produced by these natural phenomena can push water upward, allowing it to rise naturally into a wave or run up a shoreline. A siphon acts under different pressures. People have used siphons since ancient times; the ancient Egyptians used siphons for irrigation and winemaking. But there is still debate about how siphons work. You can visualise a siphon by thinking of two cups connected by a tube shaped like an upside-down ‘U’. The water-filled cup sits on a stair, and an empty cup sits below it. If an experimenter puts one end of the tube into the water-filled cup and sucks the air out of it as you would when using a straw, that will allow the water to flow into the tube. A siphon is created once the water flows up one side of the tube and down the other, into the empty cup. What is interesting is that siphons also work in vacuums, so it does not appear that atmospheric pressure is at play. Rather, gravity and molecular cohesion appear to be involved, according to a 2015 study in the Journal of Scientific Reports. Gravity accelerates the water through the ‘down’ part of the tube, into the lower cup. And, because water has strong cohesive bonds, www.waterafrica.co.za these water molecules can pull the water behind them through the uphill portion of the tube. However, many liquids that do not have strong cohesive bonds still work in siphons, so it is unclear exactly how siphons work in different cases. Capillary action What about the paper towel example? This action, called capillary action, allows small volumes of water to flow uphill, against gravity, so long as the water flows through narrow and small spaces. This upward flow happens when a liquid’s adhesion to the walls of a material, such as the paper towel, is stronger than the cohesive forces between its liquid molecules. An example is in plants: water molecules are drawn up capillaries called the xylem, helping the plant to draw in water from the soil. Other uphill-flow instances in nature There are other instances in nature in which water has run uphill naturally. For example, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake shook south-eastern Missouri so hard that the Mississippi River temporarily flowed backwards. And then there’s the Leidenfrost effect. Have you ever noticed whilst cooking that sometimes bead- like water droplets seem to dance around the bottom of the hot pan? Well, it only occurs above specific temperatures. If you place a liquid onto a hot surface that is below the boiling point of the liquid (100 degrees Celsius for water), the liquid will bubble away and slowly evaporate. And if you increase the temperature to slightly above the boiling point, the liquid evaporates rapidly. However, if you increase the temperature even more, exceeding the Leidenfrost point, then the Leidenfrost effect comes into play. This occurs when the surface temperature is so hot that it generates a thin layer of vapour that lies between the surface itself and the liquid. This causes the liquid to T he answer is yes, if the parameters are right. For instance, a wave on a beach can flow uphill, even if it is for just a moment. Water in a siphon can flow uphill too, as can a puddle of water if it is moving up a dry paper towel dipped in it. But even more curiously is that Antarctica has a river that flows uphill underneath one of its ice sheets. So, how does science explain these upward watery movements? become insulated, and ‘climb’ tiny stairs made of vapour. The river in Antarctica that flows uphill Recently, it has been discovered that there is a river that flows uphill beneath one of Antarctica’s ice sheets — according to a geophysics professor, Robin Bell, at Columbia University’s Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. The location is in the Gamburtsev Mountains (also known as the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains — a subglacial mountain range located in East Antarctica, just underneath the lofty Dome A, near the Southern Pole of Inaccessibility.) “In the valleys, there is water, and we can tell because when we fly over it, the echo from the ice- penetrating radar is much stronger.” Intriguingly, the researchers came to the conclusion that the river is flowing backwards because the ice on top of it is aligned against the direction of the ice flow. This alignment, and the enormous pressure from the ice sheet above it, push the water uphill, Bell said. “We realised that the ice is forcing the water up the hill, squeezing the water backwards,” said Bell. The subglacial rivers of Antarctica appear to be an active area of research — and an area of scientific debate. There are scientists who argue that gravity is less dominant in determining the direction of flow, since the pressure of the ice takes over. So, something to think about is this: Science states that if you measure the place where water started versus where the water ends, the start level must be higher than the ending level, because all of the water’s kinetic energy comes from gravitational potential energy. Anything else would defy the laws of physics. Then, I suppose, I would ask you this: Does the uphill-flowing Antarctic subglacial river then not defy the laws of physics? u Source: livescience.com Water Sewage & Effluent November/December 2018 25