Water, Sewage & Effluent November December 2018 | Page 6
IWA 6th Regional Membrane
Technology Conference
India, as the host country for the IWA conference, provides a relevant context
and should provide wide visibility especially considering that it is a vast
country with a huge population in need of clean water and technologies for
wastewater treatment.
Efficient 2019 – 10th Annual IWA
Specialist Conference on Efficient
Urban Water Management
In its continuous search for
solutions, the International
Water Association (IWA)
Specialist Group for Efficient
Urban Water Management
will bring the 10th IWA
Efficient Conference to
Manila, Philippines, on
13–16 January 2019. Efficient
2019 is hosted by two of
the leading urban water
companies in the Philippines:
Metro Pacific Water and
Maynilad Water Services.
Urban water professionals
are facing unprecedented
pressures. Customers demand
ever-higher standards of
water and sanitation services;
regulators impose stricter
directives; and shareholders
seek better returns from
investments. Added to this,
ecological pressures compel
water managers to prioritise
adaptability and sustainability.
Faced with increasingly
complex challenges, how can
urban water and wastewater
professionals continue to
conference will bring together
a high-calibre pool of urban
on shared challenges and
promote efficient solutions.
A simultaneous exhibition
will feature some of the most
innovative technologies from
around the world.
Pre-treatment Industrial Water 2018
Industrial Water 2018 is the biennial platform to discuss treatment
questions and to find solutions. Held on 27–30 November 2018 in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany, it is the information hub for all experts
in industrial water management, from applied research, technology
development, application solution providers, and industrial water
users. Visit egocms.dechema.de//en/industrialwater for more.
Water Sewage & Effluent November/December 2018
Over the past few decades, sustainable
development has been the motive for advanced
technologies. Membrane-based technology for
water treatment and wastewater treatment have
been gaining importance. The World Water Report
2017 mentions that over 80% of the water is left
untreated and released to the water bodies, thus
polluting them. Membrane-based technologies
assume significance due to the large volumes of
water that can be treated effectively. The IWA
6th Regional Membrane Technology Conference,
which takes place in Vadodara, Gujarat State,
India, on 10–12 December 2018, is an attempt to
bring together experts from across the countries
to discuss the urgent need for developing
advanced and sustainable solutions for water and
wastewater treatment.
The course aims to inform water professionals
on how better to process water for analysis.
UP course on water
analysis and monitoring
The water quality of natural water resources around the
world is in a state of decline due to nutrient inputs from
municipal, industrial, and agricultural activities. New
efforts to reverse the trends towards hypertrophication
(when a body of water becomes overly enriched
induce excessive growth of plants and algae — this
process may result in oxygen depletion of the water
body) in water bodies require innovative evaluation,
which leads to recommendations for advanced
treatment of effluent sources.
The current short course — Water Analysis and
Monitoring — addresses the need to update water
professionals on current and emerging methods for
sampling, handling, analysis, and data management
that have recently been developed to inform better
decision-making for resource preservation.
19–23 November 2018
[email protected]