In the case of Ethiopia,
one of the main reasons
for its success is that
agriculture and irrigation
have been featured on
the Ethiopian policy
agenda since 1991.
What other countries can do
To have food and income security and
attain broader development goals,
countries need to ensure that all levels
of government are engaged in planning
and implementation. The private sector
and farming communities also need to
be involved to expand irrigation.
The experience of Ethiopia and
other countries leading on irrigation
can help other African governments
develop country-specific strategies to
effectively take irrigation to scale. The
benefits of doing so, such as enhancing
on-farm productivity and income and
improving resilience and livelihoods,
are transformational.
The expansion in irrigated farming,
coupled with reliable agricultural
inputs and stable markets for the
expected growth in farm products, has
the potential to catapult Ethiopia to the
forefront of African countries that have
embraced agriculture as an engine of
economic growth.
Water Sewage & Effluent May/June 2019
Water Sewage & Effluent May/June 2019