These mitigation measures can
potentially minimise future impacts
and counteract years of urban
Magic of modelling
Water Sewage & Effluent May/June 2017
By working with highly regarded experts such as Professor Gerrit
Basson of Stellenbosch University, SRK Consulting uses complex
modelling techniques to devise river rehabilitation measures.
By developing a hydrodynamic river model, current and future river
instability and erosion issues can be determined; also, long-term
changes in the river morphology can be predicted. The modelling
helps engineers to quantify problems and to identify sustainable
solutions — reducing potential liability claims on municipalities and
even loss of life.
Among the innovations pursued by SRK is the application of
3-D visualisation models to the field of river rehabilitation and
management. The 3-D visualisation can be used in this new
context to assist stakeholders like municipal managers and
members of the public to understand how river rehabilitation will
happen, and what its result will be.
This visualisation technology, therefore, will be an important
communication and learning tool in the public engagement phase
that must comprise part of the environmental permitting process.
of using appropriate technology to preserve
the environment, enhance living standards, and
improve the quality of life.
The BMPs hav e two main focal areas
of alternative technology: Low impact
developments (LIDs); and Sustainable urban
drainage systems (SUDs), where interventions
to stabilise rivers could range from the use of
natural materials like rocks and gabions, to
naturally vegetated banks and weirs designed
specially to dissipate energy. Water quality
can be enhanced by preserving, extending, or
creating urban wetland areas.
“These best management practices
integrate town planning and stormwater
planning to reach the optimal solution,”
said Sim. u
Foundation damage and debris problems in urban rivers.