s a matter of community safety, the cause of the
spillages had to be addressed urgently.
The solution came in the form of Marley who
manufactured and supplied approximately 700m of
Weholite structured wall pipe. Weholite structured
wall HDPE pipe provides all the technical advantages
of equivalent polyethylene solid-wall pipes, but with
substantial savings in weight, thus combining greater
ease of installation with increased cost effectiveness —
making it the preferred option over traditional materials
such as concrete. These properties made Weholite the
ideal choice for the project, especially considering the
challenges that were faced in terms of the construction
sequence and the bends that needed to be accounted for
in the relining sections.
Despite floods as well as violent strikes that took
place in the area and which delayed work, the project
was completed successfully. u
Sewage water scares have been a growing concern in the Bloemhof area in
the North West Province owing to the insufficient sewer line, which resulted
in constant failures and leading to raw sewage spilling out into the Bloemhof
Vaal River and contaminating water supplies.
Case study to upgrade open trench
sewer line and relining sections