Water, Sewage & Effluent March April 2019 | Page 25

Tanks The need for compact systems for small lots and for systems in environmentally sensitive areas is a catalyst for tank innovation. On difficult or remote sites, the new generation of plastic tanks enable shallow, low-profile installation to leverage available space. Advances in manufacturing processes for plastic tanks have improved this option over the tanks of the past. Significant manufacturing advances have increased tank strength and durability and enabled lightweight tanks of more than 5 000 litres to be manufactured that can also be shipped in ‘halves’ to remote sites. An Ontario school’s FFBR system in summer (left) and winter (right). innovations Advanced wastewater treatment units (ATUs) are favoured in areas with poor soils, shallow vertical separation distances to limiting conditions, horizontal setback restrictions, tight lots, high-strength wastewater, and nitrogen removal needs. These units are most often installed inside a plastic tank. www.waterafrica.co.za Decentralised systems offer many benefits for rural or remote residential or community applications and the best approach varies from case to case. Community leaders and residents need to define the community’s environmental challenges and anticipated growth to make the best wastewater treatment choice. Local codes, proximity to water bodies, and anticipated daily flows are additional key factors for individual, commercial, or community systems. In most cases, the decentralised approach can offer lower cost, high performance, and versatility when compared to a centralised option.  Conclusion The final ECOPOD unit polishes the final effluent, removing any carbon not used in the denitrification Water Sewage & Effluent March/April 2019 23 Advanced wastewater treatment units Chambers Chambers are highly adaptable and effective for specialised system designs and treatment needs and are commonly used in sand filters, mound systems, evapotranspiration beds, community (cluster) systems, constructed wetlands, large-scale wastewater treatment plants, with pre-treatment devices, and even on toxic waste remediation sites. A fixed-film bioreactor (FFBR) system at an Ontario, Canada, school has a flow rate of 4 500 gallons per day, influent strength of 300 mg/L BOD, 300 mg/L TSS, and 60–75 mg/L of total nitrogen. Stringent nitrogen effluent requirements dictated primary treatment, first- stage nitrification, second-stage denitrification, and a polishing stage to remove any excess carbon. Operations test data demonstrated that the primary effluent was nearly completely nitrifying the available ammonia in the influent. The first stage ECOPOD FFBR unit, equipped with an alkalinity feed, reduced that total nitrogen load by a minimum of 53 per cent. With recirculation, the nitrogen is reduced to the permit level of less than 20 mg/L. The ECOPOD reactor was installed with a carbon source dose system into the dilution zone to feed the denitrification process. The final ECOPOD unit polishes the final effluent, removing any carbon not utilised in the denitrification process prior to effluent discharge. After some fine-tuning of the recirculation rates and feed rates to accommodate the variety of influent flows at this site, the system has a consistent effluent output of less than 10 mg/L total nitrogen. Case study 3: Ontario, Canada performance, ease installation, and reduce management dilemmas.