Water, Sewage & Effluent March April 2019 | Page 21

any existing WWTW to either intercept culprit flows or to enhance capacity and increase efficiency of the works. For a ‘green field’ installation, several additional components must be in place prior to project initiation, or accounted for in the planning and design stages. Ownership, sufficient land, necessary resources including technical skill, valid regulatory licences (where required), and a defined end use are among the most important. Thus, for a successful project outcome it is critical that the customer (that is, end user) needs to be identified and recognised in advance. In short, this requires identification of the need/problem and establishing whether true value and benefit will be derived after demonstrator technology implementation.  technology and food security remains unknown and continues to await implementation and operation of a full-scale demonstrator under South African conditions. Success might also facilitate development of a platform for elaboration of sustainable waste-to- algae-to-energy systems. But, how to achieve this? Implementation of IAPS and other demonstrator technologies can occur in several ways. First, an entire demonstrator system can be installed ‘green field’. Second, an existing pond-type WWTW can be upgraded or converted to an IAPS in a ‘brown field’ installation. Third, component parts (for example the AFP and/or HRAOP in the case of IAPS) of the demonstrator technology can be configured for use at innovations Some residents of Port Elizabeth did not enjoy their December 2018 holiday break because of raw sewage which has flooded their area since August last year. In all of the above cases, the proposed projects addressed core concepts of IAPS technology and set out to facilitate full technology transfer. Downstream advantages of efficient and effective WWT across South Africa are obvious with clear benefits to, among others, the environment, agriculture, tourism, and community health. However, challenges around WWT, experienced by the majority of municipalities, tend to mask the value and as yet unexplored potential of wastewater. Thus, each of the aforementioned projects had as a major deliverable the exploration of synergies between WWT and food security at full commercial scale. This link was emphasised on the basis of the critical importance of low input costs towards sustainable and financially viable food security; hence the essential role of IAPS in supplying clean water, biomass and energy as low-cost vectors for sustainable food security. However, in the absence of real-time process and product data, quantification of the synergy between IAPS as a WWT Whither IAPS? (and other demonstrator technologies) for a bespoke 0.75ML/d IAPS were almost identical to those of the design used for public tender purposes. Against this background and in the face of contrary information and costings that could not be accommodated within the available budget and, which thus precluded approval of the redesign and executive appointment of consultants/contractors to build the bespoke IAPS, due diligence by the university was initiated to establish a best way forward. As a consequence, and due to perceived delays, an apparent impasse between the funder and project team manifested and the university has since and together with the WRC, initiated termination of the project. www.waterafrica.co.za Water Sewage & Effluent March/April 2019 19