LAG highlights
It has been a very eventful year for the Legionella Action Group ( LAG ) and for legionnaires ’ disease ( LD ) in South Africa , says Rob Stewart , chair of LAG .
During 2016 :
• More members were added to LAG , which resulted in more networking , and now LAG is in a better position than ever to assist in the investigation of a possible LD outbreak .
• More cases were reported in South Africa than in previous years .
• More site investigations were conducted than in previous years .
• More awareness was created as a result .
Other highlights :
• A travel-associated cluster investigation in a hotel in Cape Town .
• The first possible case of human-to-human transmission of LD in Europe .
• The NICD / South African LD guidelines were released .
• A team from LAG attended the ELDSNet and ESGLI conferences ( feedback was shared at the last meeting ).
It is possible that the current growth in interest , understanding , and networking will eventually result in the first major LD outbreak in South Africa to be properly investigated and documented . Perhaps it is just a matter of time . u
Floor grating – where engineering makes the difference
Walkways can be aptly described as the ‘ arteries ’ of most minerals beneficiation and industrial plants , providing functional access while bearing substantial loads and allowing air and light into working areas . It is essential that the floor grating used for such walkways be well-engineered to ensure long life and optimum safety for users .
Leading local floor grating manufacturer Andrew Mentis operates an extensive facility that produces significant volumes of its RS40 Rectagrid , which has long been the benchmark for walkways in southern Africa .
Elaine van Rooyen , marketing manager at Andrew Mentis , says that apart from supplying a standard floor grating product , the company is also able to provide a fit-for-purpose floor grating solution based on the customers ’ requirements .
“ A technical representative from Andrew Mentis meets with the customer to determine their precise needs and ensure that the structural integrity of the chosen product is maximised ,” she explains .
“ While taking into account the customer ’ s application needs , there are specific non-negotiable factors that Andrew Mentis applies in the production of all our floor grating products ,” she says . “ The manufacturing method we use , for instance , ensures that the transversals are positively and permanently locked to the bearer bars .”
The locking method is based on compressive pressure at the intersections , engineered to use the full depth of the bearer bar . The grating panels — with a pitch of 40mm by 40mm — are flat , square , and untwisted , so there are no cracks or crevices at intersections where corrosion could take place . u
CT to host the 24th FIDIC-GAMA Conference
Consulting Engineers South Africa ( CESA ) is hosting the 24th FIDIC-GAMA 2017 Conference in South Africa , at the Cape Town International Convention Centre . The conference will connect leading global players and partners in the infrastructure and consulting engineering sectors to create innovative sustainable solutions and business opportunities .
The three-day FIDIC-GAMA Conference will start on 7 May and run until 10 May 2017 , and will bring together over 350 delegates from across Africa and the rest of the world under the theme : ‘ African partnerships for sustainable growth ’.
The FIDIC-GAMA annual conference is the biggest networking event for the sharing of ideas on best practices , as well as learning from each other effective ways of dealing with diverse challenges to achieve value for money and provide a sustainable quality of life . The conference is suitable for consulting engineers , government officials , state owned entities , local administrative authorities , funding agencies , contractors , suppliers of construction equipment and materials , investors , and other stakeholders in the built environment from the public and private sectors .
FIDIC , the International Federation of Consulting Engineers , was founded in 1913 , and one of its objectives is to ‘ promote and assist the worldwide development of viable consulting engineering industries ’. GAMA is the Group of Africa Member Associations of FIDIC .
For more information , please visit http :// www . fidic-gama2017 . org . za /, or contact Dennis Ndaba ( CESA strategic communicator ) on + 27 ( 0 ) 11 463 2022 or + 27 ( 0 ) 78 532 3100 , or email him at dennis @ cesa . co . za . u
A seven-year-old boy is sitting on a park bench eating a chocolate bar .
The man sitting next to him looks over and says , “ Eating that many chocolate bars is bad for you .”
The boy looks over and responds , “ My great grandfather lived to be 105 .”
The man replies , “ And he ate that much chocolate ?”
“ No ,” says the boy , “ he minded his own business !”
6 Water Sewage & Effluent March / April 2017