What ' s on
Pan-European Symposium on Water and Sanitation Safety Planning and Extreme Weather Events
Extreme weather events , causing floods and droughts , can have major implications for the performance of water and wastewater infrastructure and services , and the availability of good quality water . Related to sanitation , postflood areas show a significant occurrence of waterrelated infectious diseases . Disease outbreaks following heavy precipitation or floods are often the result of contamination of the drinking water supply systems and the living environment . During droughts , drinking water availability and quality can also be affected . In response to extreme events , adaptation strategies are being developed and implemented , at policy level , but also by drinking water and sanitation service providers . Water and sanitation safety plans ( WSSP ), as recommended by the World Health Organisation , offer comprehensive risk-based management tools to enhance these efforts , focusing on preventive measures , emergency response , and preparedness planning . Cross-cutting topics will be addressed during the symposium . Presentations and workshops will be organised with the goal of presenting the achievements , experiences , and challenges of water and sanitation professionals and regulators in addressing extreme weather events . This event presents a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experiences from within the region and to advance the topic of climate-resilient planning for water supply and sanitation services . The working language of the symposium is English . April 6 and 7 The Netherlands http :// www . iwcconferences . com / wssp-and-extreme-weather /
The forum will bring together participants from the region and the international water community : academics , research institutions , international organisations , governments , policy-makers , and NGOs . As a triennial event held one year prior to each World Water Forum , the 4th Istanbul International Water Forum aims to provide important inputs to the 8th World Water Forum , which will be held in Brazil in 2018 . Registration to the 4th Istanbul International Water Forum will be free of charge . May 10 and 11 Istanbul , Turkey info @ suen . gov . tr https :// suen . gov . tr / en /
Pre-conference training to the 9th IWA Eastern European Young Water
Professionals Conference
How to use Activated Sludge Models in practice There is an ample need for hands-on practice of mathematical modelling of Activated Sludge plants . The one-and-a-half-day ( 14 hours ) modelling course provides detailed instruction on mathematical models , their structure and use in practice , such as design , operation , and control in activated sludge plants , and ample hands-on opportunity to use these models in a classroom setting . The learner will gain an understanding of the structure of the IWA Activated Sludge Models ( ASMs ) and get a hands-on opportunity to use these models . May 23 and 24 Budapest , Hungary http :// iwa-ywp . eu /
4th Istanbul International Water Forum
Under the main theme ‘ Water and Peace ’, the 4th Istanbul International Water Forum will be devoted to the effects of the latest regional political setting on water issues . The forum will put a spotlight on the two-sided relationship between immigration and water services .
4 Water Sewage & Effluent March / April 2017