Water, Sewage & Effluent Mar Vol 30 No 2 | Página 6

calendar African Utility Week This event brings together 6 000 engineers, stakeholders and solution providers internationally. It will feature 250 exhibitors, 250 speakers, a six-stream strategic conference, a technical conference on the expo floor, keynote sessions, technical site visits and a glittering industry awards gala dinner. The programme tackles the latest challenges in the power and water sectors, including generation, transmission and distribution, metering, clean energy, finance, reliability, water supply and energy efficiency. It will once again showcase success stories in clean energy, look at bankable power projects and storage will be discussed as a possible game changer. It will also have a strong focus on water, including the waterenergy nexus, efficiency and wastewater management. CCITC, Cape Town, South Africa May 17 to 19 Website: http://www.african-utility-week.com/ First Conference of the Water Footprint Research Alliance At this, the Water Footprint Research Alliance’s first conference, the theme is the water footprint and sustainable water use in food production. The event is organised by the Water Footprint Network, the University of the Free State and the Water Research Commission. The conference will feature a keynote speech by Prof Arjen Hoekstra of the University of Twente, the Netherlands, the creator of the water footprint concept. The sub-themes of the event are water footprint assessment, water management at a catchment scale, irrigation efficiency, water productivity and modelling water use, water footprint and sustainable growth, role of green water in food security and ground water for food production. April 4 to 7 Cape Town, South Africa Website: www.waterfootprint/fir