Water, Sewage & Effluent January February 2019 | Page 9
development design consultants: Lwazi
Project Management, and Masithu
Consulting and Project Managers.
Bosch Projects took on a mentorship
role for this purpose, consulting in the
areas of business development, project
management, design, and construction
supervision across the project lifecycle.
With an emphasis on skills development
to accelerate training and knowledge,
the teams collectively implemented the
“The Bosch Projects team worked
closely with the eThekwini Municipality
to secure the supply of potable water and basic sanitation services to some
of the poorest communities in the
KwaZulu-Natal province,” says Jason
Holder, divisional manager: Wastewater
(KZN) at Bosch Projects — a member
of the Bosch Holdings group of
multidisciplinary consulting engineering
“It was a privilege for the Bosch
Projects team to be part of such a
meaningful project, which is improving
the quality of life and restoring the dignity
of so many people. These prestigious
awards are a great honour for Bosch
Projects,” said Holder.
The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality’s
Provision of Water and Sanitation to
Informal Settlements Project has received
not one, but two prestigious awards. The
first award was the 2018 SAICE Durban
Branch Award for the Most Outstanding
Civil Engineering Achievement in the
category of Community-based Projects,
and the second was in the Community
Upliftment and Job Creation category,
at the IMESA/CESA Biennial Excellence
Awards function, held in Port Elizabeth in
late 2018.
Through this project, more than 118 000
people living in 34 informal settlements
across the city now benefit from the
provision of 300 communal ablution
facilities. Bosch Projects was one of four
design consultants to provide professional
engineering and construction supervision
services to the eThekwini Metropolitan
Municipality for the delivery of these
communal ablution facilities. To help see
the projects through, Bosch Projects
subconsulted with two eThekwini
Communal ablution facilities in remote areas that were difficult to access, were delivered
in prefabricated panels and constructed on site.
Water Sewage & Effluent January/February 2019
Project receives
two awards Christian Kurdy, managing director
of NSF.
Providing quality assurance in every
and this country’s leading plastic pipe
manufacturer has a significant market
share in the SADC region. It is also
the only plastic piping manufacturer
in Zimbabwe that is affiliated to the
SAPPMA SADC ISO stringent protocols
of manufacturing quality-guaranteed
products equivalent to world-class
“Displaying the SAPPMA logo on
our pipes gives our customers — both
local and foreign — the comfort and
assurance that Proplastics provides
Zimbabwe, was established in 1965, them with value on their return on
products, high ethical standards,
market education, and products and
services that are benchmarked against
world-class standards,” says Kuda
Chigiya, chief executive officer of
Flo-Tek Pipes & Irrigation is another
one of SAPPMA’s members that
operates in various African countries.
They manufacture and supply a wide
range of products that are applicable
in various sectors and sell their wide
range of pipes, fittings, tanks, and
irrigation products through their sales
outlets in Angola, Botswana, Namibia,
South Africa, and soon in Zambia.
According to Chakrapani Bandaru,
chief operating officer at Flotek, the
company has manufacturing plants in
South Africa and in Botswana, but it
manufactures PVC pipes in Botswana,
which are sold in South Africa.
“The purpose of the SAPPMA logo is
to create consumer confidence within
the local and international plastic pipe
industry. Specifiers and end-users
can rest assured that the plastic pipes
and pipes systems in which they are
investing, will last in excess of 100
years and pass stringent and rigorous
quality tests,” he confirms.
pipes that are being manufactured in
South Africa (and are being exported to
the rest of the continent, and perhaps
even the world) to meet international
standards of quality,” says Venter.
This observation is confirmed by
Christian Kurdy, managing director
of NSF. “More and more consumers
are looking for safe and quality
products. This has become the norm
in the US and Western Europe and is
most certainly a differentiating factor
in countries like South Africa. It is
important to consistently produce high-
quality plastic piping products, and
being a member of SAPPMA sets these
products apart from the inferior ones,”
Kurdy says.
“High-quality standards do not
have borders and SAPPMA is
actively engaged in a mission to help
companies provide credibility to their
customers — whether they are located
in South Africa or abroad. By deciding
to join SAPPMA, NSF International (a
US-based organisation) is proving that
this awareness is indeed borderless,”
he emphasises.