Water, Sewage & Effluent January February 2019 | Page 5
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SENIOR WRITER: Tarren Bolton | [email protected]
WRITER: Ntsako Khosa | [email protected]
SUBEDITOR: Elaine Enslin | [email protected]
Zeldalee du Toit | [email protected]
[email protected]
DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Esmerelda Lombard
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Content: Benjamin Brits
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Finance: Laetitia Arnott | [email protected]
Managing director: Richard Bicker Caarten
4 What’s on
5 News
I n “System design issues (Part 1)” in the November/December 2018 issue
of Water, Sewage & Effluent, we discussed the pivotal role of design and
the associated challenges of hospital sanitary drainage and potential
contamination caused by such systems. In Part 2, we look at rational design.
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No Dig! (Part 2)
Hanre Blignaut – Overstrand Local Municipality
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System design issues (Part 2): Rational design
In Part 2 of our instalment, Neil van Rooyen looks at the need for pipe
replacement, and a business case for trenchless technology.
The water mix — Overstrand got it right
Any city or town must plan to use and manage a portfolio of water sources.
This means investing in and managing a more diversified water supply for a
sustainable ‘water mix’. Overstrand is setting an example of best practice in
this regard.
Girl power a key driver in the environment space
Through SAB KickStart’s youth development programme, Water, Sewage &
Effluent was introduced to Andile Mnisi, a remarkable young entrepreneur
operating in the environmental space. Her business’s integrated waste
management programme offers solutions ranging from safe treatment and
disposal, to dam inspection services and sewage plant auditing.
Golden Ponds peroxonated — for water, energy, and food
Supporting peri-urban agriculture and food production.
Beware of that borehole water!
With water security becoming an increasingly pressing global issue, it is
crucial for businesses to start considering alternative options to solely relying
on municipal water supply.
34 SAPPMA: The road to certification
36 Networking
38 Contributors
The relationship between the Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers
Association (SAPPMA) and certification bodies such as the South African
Technical Auditing Service (SATAS) and the Productivity Engineering
Services and Consultants (PESC) continues to grow from strength to strength.
When measurement matters
Water Sewage & Effluent January/February 2019