International Water Summit
The International Water Summit is a global platform for promoting water sustainability in arid regions by bringing together world leaders , field experts , academics and business innovators to accelerate the development of new sustainable strategies and technologies . The International Water Summit celebrates its five-year anniversary in 2017 and to mark this milestone , exciting changes are being made to the exhibition and conference that will make it the most interactive and inspirational to date . The exhibition is designed to enable attendees to meet with market-leading companies , along with influential industry and government figures . The International Water Summit conference brings together industry leaders from around the world to share their thinking , exchange expertise and insights , and discuss best practice in the water industry . January 16 to 19 Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre , Abu Dhabi http :// www . internationalwatersummit . com
Membrane Technology Conference
The American Water Works Association and the American Membrane Technology Association are inviting delegates to the 2017 Membrane Technology Conference to explore how the latest developments in membrane technology can enhance water reliability and quality . Each year , the conference reveals new directions in water and wastewater treatment technologies , desalting and membrane bioreactor applications . The Membrane Technology Conference workshops and facility tours offer additional opportunities for in-depth , hands-on learning . Registration and fee are required , which are not included in the full conference registration . February 13 to 17 Long Beach , California , USA http :// www . amtaorg . com
World Ocean Summit
This event will be the fourth World Ocean Summit and will discuss how to finance a sustainable ocean economy , including consideration of the types of investment frameworks and capital necessary to bring the blue economy to scale . The event will convene over 360 global leaders from government , industry , multilateral organisations , the scientific community , and civil society to address the risks and the opportunities involved in pursuing a blue economy approach . It will showcase examples of businesses , governments , scientists and others who have successfully aligned economic activity with sustainable management of the oceans . Additional discussion topics include : the global demand for seafood over time ; the economic case for addressing marine pollution ; and areas for new investments in the ocean economy . February 22 to 24 Bali , Indonesia http :// www . greenafricadirectory . org
Sustainable Water Management Conference
The 2017 Sustainable Water Management Conference showcases a combination of technical presentations and comprehensive discussions on the critical matters facing the water sector today . Attendees will explore solutions for managing water resources , planning sustainable utilities , designing integrated infrastructure , balancing the benefits of conservation with the costs , and analysing effective alternatives , including stormwater and reuse . Sustainable Water Management Conference workshops provide in-depth , hands-on comprehensive learning opportunities . Workshop registrations do require a separate fee . March 19 to 22 New Orleans , Louisiana , USA http :// www . awwa . org
The Water Show Africa
Launched in 2015 , the Water Show Africa is aimed at water professionals , to discover the latest services and innovation for improving the delivery of water infrastructure and efficiency in service supply . The event is a unique conference and marketplace where water CEOs come to explore solutions for developing investable and sustainable world-class water projects throughout the African continent . African water boards , utilities , operators , government , major end-users and investors come to meet new partners that can help them achieve their goals . Running alongside Power & Electricity World Africa , the show highlights the close working relationship of these two industries , as well as the business opportunity in the water energy nexus . March 28 to 29 Sandton Convention Centre , Johannesburg , South Africa http :// www . terrapinn . com calendar
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