Water, Sewage & Effluent January-February 2017 | Page 32

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The iceman cometh

Ice pigging in the water industry , developed by the University of Bristol , have since been commercialised and is being used in 11 countries to assist with the cleaning of drinking-water pipelines . How is the process developing and in what way is it now being used in the oil and gas sectors ? By Matthew Stephenson

As a professional in the water industry , you might have heard of ice pigging : a method of cleaning pipes with ice . The technology has now been fully adopted and is in use in the water and wastewater sectors in 11 of the world ’ s most advanced nations , including Australia , Sweden , Italy , Spain , Japan , UK , Ireland , US , Holland , Czech Republic , Canada and Chile .

At a recent water industry event in Sweden — a country new to ice pigging — approximately 300 water industry professionals from water authorities and their stakeholders came to see ice pigging being performed over three days .
30 Water Sewage & Effluent January / February 2017