Water scarcity in Greece Water scarcity in Greece | Page 7

gazette Huge water scarcity problem the next fifty years Intense and prolonged water shortages will face over the next 50 years, Greece with tragic social and economic consequences. Scientists are sounding the alarm bells about climate change and point out that our country must be consistent with its obligations to the international community for limiting pollution it produces. The first problems, moreover, are already being felt throughout the Mediterranean. The president of the National Observatory of Athens and professor of the University of Athens. Christos Zerefos, the Associate Professor at NTUA, John Ziomas and Rep. Ibrahim, responsible for the campaign of the environmental organization Greenpeace on Climate Change, spoke yesterday at the Environment Committee House. "The most important consequence is the disruption of water balance, evolution observed in Greece with dramatic way," he explained. "The descent of the aquifer is noticeable even in areas of the country where there is no over-pumping." The second noticeable change is the change of behavior of weather systems. "We accept the same rain in a much shorter time," he said, leading to increased flooding. "Over the past 30 years rainfall in the Mediterranean have fallen by 20%. This reduction will continue over the next fifty years, when the water shortage problem would be huge for Greece, "he concluded.