Water Resources Division Annual Report FY 2016-2017 | Page 22

Forward Thinking (continued) OneWaterSF Biosolids to Market Place This Initiative will reduce the amount of biosolids sent to landfills in SanĀ  Francisco by expanding biosolids reuse opportunities. The SFPUC is assessing the feasibility of producing high quality soil amendments suitable for use in landscaping, construction projects and soil replenishment. Recycling biosolids back to soil can improve soil health and increase water holding capacity and carbon sequestration. Creek Daylighting This Initiative will work to daylight the historic Yosemite Creek, which begins at Yosemite Marsh on the northeast side of McLaren Park and flows directly into the combined sewer system. The new creek bed will drain over 100 acres of McLaren Park and create new green space and native habitat for birds and butterflies. This Initiative will also explore opportunities to integrate the Gleneagles Golf Course into the project by converting the golf course irrigation supply to recycled water. Controlling Stormwater Flows Because SanĀ  Francisco operates a combined sewer system, the sewers can become overwhelmed during periods of heavy rain when large amounts of stormwater enter the system. This Initiative would provide resources to property owners and community members to disconnect downspouts from the sewer system and redirect that runoff to rain barrels and landscaped areas. 20