Water Quality Water Quality Initiatives | Page 7

SEPTIC TO SEWER CONVERSION : WASTEWATER ONLY $ 6,027 $ 49.48 / month at 0 % interest
Protect our canals from pollution
Prevent leakage of waste into the ground water
Recycle water for irrigation & waste for compost

10 Years , No Interest

SEPTIC TO SEWER CONVERSION : WASTEWATER ONLY $ 6,027 $ 49.48 / month at 0 % interest

Why Convert ?

Protect our canals from pollution

Prevent leakage of waste into the ground water

Recycle water for irrigation & waste for compost

When a resident needs or desires to connect to City sewer , the homeowner can finance their connection fees over a 10-year period with no interest . The City provides all the materials and necessary labor to connect to the low-pressure sewer system from the home ’ s plumbing to the grinder pump , then to a pipe network in the street . The connection fee not only covers connection costs , but it also covers the reservation of capacity in the wastewater treatment facilities for each residence that is connecting to the City ’ s system .
Elected officials and utility representatives from across the nation and around the world have inquired about the Sewer Expansion Program . Others have visited Utility Systems to discuss and observe the City ’ s low-pressure wastewater collection system and the ways in which it was implemented and how it ’ s being maintained .
Water Quality Initiatives | City of Port St . Lucie 7