Watch This Space Film Magazine Issue 3 | Page 13

This is also helped by the fact that the film giving a noble, studious answer to Hank’s carries superb performances from its three hypothetical question to how to resolve the leads. Paxton plays Hank with such a down- money (“Give it to the police, it’s the right to-earth quality that you want to punch him thing to do”), she turns to see millions of in the face whenever he, the reasonable one dollars sitting on her kitchen table. And all of the group, makes his own mistakes. Brent she can do is laugh…hysterically. Briscoe as Lou manages to provide a good, That small moment captures exactly why A antagonistic wedge between all three while SIMPLE PLAN works as a tense, thought still holding a layer of humanity to what provoking thriller beyond the plotting, the could’ve easily been a one-note character. acting, and Raimi’s direction: you can give But hands down, Billy Bob Thornton gives every excuse in the book for why you would such a tragically earnest performance in his give up the money, you can be the most Oscar nominated turn as Jacob. He’s such a upright human being this side of Jesus, but simple man, not too bright but has talk is cheap. When a situation like that unexpected moments of insight and literally falls in front of you, human folly awareness, and being tug-of-warred by Hank start to kick in and you really have to and Lou is heartbreaking to watch. consider your own ethical weight. Would you In a small, yet equally important role, Bridget keep it or would you not? You never know Fonda as Hank’s pregnant wife Sarah gives until you find out. the most honest moment of the film: after