moments when his outbursts threaten to
turn things nasty.
Anderson's films often walk that fine line
between comedy and violence. Richie's
suicide attempt in THE ROYAL
TENENBAUMS is a good example of this.
THE LIFE AQUATIC's story is actually
kicked off by a moment of violence, as
blood bubbles to the surface following
Zissou's research partner Esteban being
eaten by a rare shark.
"Was he swallowed whole?"
But violence is peppered throughout the
picture (an intern gets macheted, many a
pirate gets shot and one character's fate
is subtley suggested by the blood red
water lapping at the lense.
All respect is due to the production design
team, as well as Anderson's
cinematographer Robert Yeoman, for
keeping the film's style colourfully light.
Creating a juxtaposed tone between
concept and character, the film is bold,