Wasted Trails magazine March 2014 vol 10 | Page 4

Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine What’s inside .... Outcast Rock Racing King of the Hammers 2014 Navy Vet and Rock crawling Team Albright Miller Motorsports ZJ at K.O.H 2014 2014 King of the Hammers Champion Offroad Parks: Big and Small The “Eye of George Brandon” Snow Bog II with the Vermont Jeepgirl Chronicles of Del Albright ................... pg. 7 pg. 12 pg. 18 pg. 22 pg. 24 pg. 26 pg. 30 pg. 32 pg. 34 pg. 38 a Non-Profit Publication Published by Bear’s Quest 4 Rest, Inc. 1270 Centennial Drive Windber, Pa. 15963 Doug ‘Bear” Updyke Publisher Misty Crice Sr. Editor the Vermont Jeepgirl Tech. Editor Journalists Cover Photos: ATX Wheels Loren Healy Matt Sprague Thompson Brothers Heavy Metal Concepts Millers Motorsports Brian “College Boy” Gabriel Anna Cashon Misty Crice Sue “Vermont Jeepgirl” Norton Contributing Writers Del Albright Photographers Magazine T-Shirts Hats are now Available Order yours Today! www.wastedtrails4x4magazine.com 4 W T4x4 March 2014 Brian Gabriel Matt Sprague Anna Cashon Rise Above Photography Misty Crice Kelsey Yeoman the Vermont Jeepgirl Rugged Radios George Brandon Heavy Metal Concepts Roger Mickan ATX Wheels Doug Bigelow