Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine vol 12 May 2014 | Page 4

Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine What’s inside .... ................................... ..... Pink Pistol begins .......... .............. On the Trails with Warn & Jessi Combs ......... Line Mt. Race Action ........................ ........ American Rock Crawling Race #2 ....... Vermont JeepGirl Classic CJ ................ BarnYard Fab the beginning ............. NORRA Press Release ...... Jeep Beach 2014 “Vermont Jeepgirl ....... The Fraternal Order of Offroad EJS coverage ..... Chronicles of Del Albright ................... Area BFE :Moab pg. 6 pg. 10 pg. 12 pg. 18 pg. 28 pg. 32 pg. 34 pg. 36 pg. 40 pg. 44 pg. 46 Cover Photos: Brian Gabriel, George Brandon, Vermont Jeepgirl a Non-Profit Publication Published by Bear’s Quest 4 Rest, Inc. 1270 Centennial Drive Windber, Pa. 15963 Doug ‘Bear” Updyke Publisher Bear Sr. Editor Tech. Editor the Vermont Jeepgirl Journalists Brian “College Boy” Gabriel Anna Cashon Sue “Vermont Jeepgirl” Norton Contributing Writers Del Albright Photographers Brian Gabriel Anna Cashon the Vermont Jeepgirl Warn Ind. George Brandon Magazine T-Shirts Hats are now Holiday Sale on 2014 Calendars Available Order yours Today! www.wastedtrails4x4magazine.com 4 April 2014 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the pages of this Publication. Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine or Bear’s Quest 4 rest, Inc. are not responsible for opininos expressed or information contaoned in this Publication. Articles contained in this Publication are meant to be informative only.