Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine June 2014 Vol 13 | Page 20

Photo Feature The “Eye” of George Brandon George Brandon Boondockers at Bloomsburg Mud Bogging Fun while helping others Boondockers 4x4 Club is a non profit club. We hold event like these for the benefit of local charities and for the enjoyment of the spectators and participants. We have 2 bogs a year. second Saturday in May, Third Saturday in August. We also participate in the local Toy run for kids along with the Columbia County Chapter of Abate and the Dream Machines Car Club. and the 4x4 Jamboree. The mud bog started in the late 80’s at Lightstreet Fire Company (Bloomsburg PA) It started as a single pit event. We eventually made it 2 pits and moved from Lightstreet to the Summerhill Fire Company Carnival Grounds (Berwick PA) and we were there for a number of years and significantly increased our participants and our spectators. While we were up there we added our popular “GOT MUD” t-shirts and developed a web site. Because of our increase in trucks and spectators, as well as proceeds from our t-shirt sales we were able to give more to our local charities. The members of the Summerhill Fire Company were also a lot of help and a part of our success with our event up there. In time we also outgrew the area we used at Summerhill, and our club voted to look into the possibility of moving our show to the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. It was met with enthusiasm from the Fair Board and we went forward with developing our mud bog in a much bigger location with lots of room for parking and truck and trailer area. There were a lot of hurdles to overcome, a lot of meetings and planning sessions, and we have a lot more expenses to cover, but in the end we are able to utilize a huge area of the parking lot, enough room for spectators to park, lots of room to stage the trucks to get ready to run. Add to all that we brought in “Fair Food” vendors to serve some of the very excellent food you can get during the Fair, as well as some new ones, we also have the room to have 4x4 or auto/truck related vendors, as well as a small parts swap meet area to sell your extra/unneeded parts. This May we decided to stretch our pits to 150 ft. and run the trucks the opposite way (as opposed to last year) spectator safety as well as making it more efficient to stage the trucks were factors in that decision. Thanks to our 30 some members along with their spouses and boy/girlfriends we manage to put on a excellent show for all to enjoy. We only charge 10.00 per car to park, we want to keep this an affordable family event for all to enjoy. Because this event is geared towards having families there we also do not permit alcoholic beverages at our event. The Boondockers 4x4 Club is also the Host Club for the Family Events 4x4 Jamboree held at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds in July. At our August 16th event is our 4x4 Show & Shine at the Fairgrounds also in conjunction with our Mud Bog. Last years charities we donated to: Bloomsburg and Berwick womens centers Camp Victory Camp Lavigne Kidsburg of Bloomsburg Bloomsburg War Memorial 20 June 2014