Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine April 2014 Vol 11 | Page 5

Thank Your for your Support this past Year Roll in One? ................ “Scary Situation” Brothers Bigelow I seen a alarming photo on line and contacted my friend Doug Bigelow and asked “ I only read a little and that is was your Wife? that rolled into a mine hole? “ his reply “ It was both of us. I was driving. Went over what I thought was a little dirt berm going onto the race course and sure enough it was this mineshaft. I didn’t know it was one when I rolled until I looked down and saw 50ft to the bottom. Scary situation. No markers. In the flat desert. Never thought it would be there. I went out the next day and marked it real well with course markers and GPS marked it to give the coordinates to the BLM. My biggest worry was that another kid would fall into it. If a bike rider or 4 wheeler did they would have gotten hurt bad or worse case dead. “ April 2014 5