Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine 1st Edition | Page 26

Rocks & Mud : Springtime in the Pa . Mts .

The WIDIA- Rausch Creek Qualifier was held April 13,2013 . This Race is just for the chance to compete in next years King of the Hammers Race , held in Johnson Valley , Cali . Tremont , Pa . is Home to the Rausch Creek OHV , the location for the Eastern U . S . Qualifier saw 30 Teams let it all hang out competing for one of the coveted entries to the “ Super Bowl ” of all Off Road Races , simply known as the “ Hammers ” for 2014 .
Action from the Start , with Shannon Campbell ’ s “ holeshot ”, he shared the Starting 1st row with Eric Miller , followed by Bill Baird and Derek West in row 2 . Drivers left in 30 second intervals , all 30 Race cars on the Course at the same time , within 15 minutes .