Waste Management Guidelines 2022 edition | Page 3



The practice of dentistry involves the generation of both hazardous and regulated medical waste ( formerly known as infectious waste ). Some wastewater discharges may also be of concern . Dental office personnel should be aware of the types of waste produced in the dental office and how to properly handle and dispose of these wastes . These guidelines describe the types of waste produced , along with disposal options and any applicable regulations .
Pennsylvania Dental Association ( PDA ) recommends both the reduction and recycling of wastes as preferred waste management practices . Proper disposal is appropriate when recycling is unavailable or impractical .
The quantity and types of waste generated by a dental office will vary depending upon the type of dental practice and procedures performed . Waste produced in the dental office is referred to generally as “ solid waste .” The handling , storage , transportation , recycling and disposal of all solid waste is regulated at the federal , state and local levels .
At the federal level , waste is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ). The EPA delegates the administration and enforcement of most aspects of the federal solid waste program to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection ( DEP ), which has developed its own regulations . In addition , waste water discharges to public sewer systems are often regulated at the local level through municipal ordinances . The most stringent regulations must be followed regardless of whether they are federal , state or local regulations .

A clean place is a happy space .

PDA Waste Management Guidelines 2