Waste and Recycling Facts by Rubbish Begone Nov. 2013 | Page 2

The hospitality sector in the UK produces 3,4 million tonnes of rubbish per year, and around 600,000 of that is food waste, 400,000 tonnes of which could have been eaten if it had been better prepared, portioned and/or stored. Only 20% of the products and materials that enter the UK economy get recycled. Roughly, that makes 115 million tonnes of goods recycled each year. The average household throws away around 208 aluminium cans a year. The total value of empty aluminum cans in the UK is estimated at 30 million pounds. The UK is the country with the largest volume of household waste buried in landfills among the EU countries. More than 19 million tonnes of household waste end up in the UK landfills each year. The total amount of waste produced per year by an average family in the UK exceeds one million tones. That makes nearly 30 million tonnes of waste thrown away from our homes, or three and a half million times the weight of a double- decker bus.