Washington Business Summer 2019 | Washington Business | Page 15
washington business
be part of the conversation.
be part of the solution.
2019 Federal Affairs Summit
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland
Aug. 19-20
Hear directly from Washington’s congressional delegation
without leaving the state and get up to speed on important
issues including the Columbia-Snake river hydroelectric
system and power generation.
2019 Policy Summit
Suncadia Resort, Cle Elum
Sept. 17-19
The signature three-day Policy Summit brings together policy
experts, elected officials and business leaders each fall to
take a deeper look at the issues impacting economic growth
and opportunity. Policy Summit also features a dynamic and
timely keynote speaker.
2019 Evening of Excellence
Benaroya Hall, Seattle
Nov. 20
2018 Evening of Excellence
Celebrate Washington’s top employers at AWB’s fourth-
annual awards gala. This formal event is a chance to
recognize the innovation and dedication of our state’s
employer community, as we all work together to bring
prosperity to every corner of Washington state.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
summer 2019