Washington Business Fall 2018 | Legislative Review & Vote Record | Page 15
washington business
The plaintiffs’ attorney, Thomas Ahearne, isn’t quite ready to take a victory lap.
In an email to The Everett Herald, Ahearne said he needed to review the
numbers in the latest report to see if the money allotted by the state is enough
money to provide each student an amply funded education as required under the
state constitution.
The upcoming 2018 school year will be the first chance to see the “constitutional
adequacy” of all the changes enacted by the Legislature, he said.
“As the court deliberates the work the Legislature has done on K-12 education
funding, AWB will continue to advocate for investments in basic education that
improve student outcomes and support teachers,” Anderson said.
court agrees, state has met mccleary mandates
On June 7, the state Supreme Court ruled that the state has finally complied with the
mandates of its 2012 McCleary K-12 education funding ruling. In doing so, the court
also removed the $100,000 per day fines for lack of compliance with McCleary put
in place in 2015 and terminated oversight of the Legislature’s budgeting process.
“Today’s Supreme Court decision affirms that, at long last, our Legislature is
providing the funding necessary to cover the basic costs of our K-12 schools,” Inslee
said upon hearing the court’s announcement. “Reversing decades of underfunding
has been among the heaviest lifts we’ve faced in recent years and required difficult
and complex decisions, but I’m incredibly proud and grateful for all those who
came together on a bipartisan basis to get this job done.”
For more information on K-12 education
issues, contact AWB Government Affairs
Director Amy Anderson at [email protected]. For
tax and fiscal issues, contact AWB Government
Affairs Director Clay Hill at [email protected].
Both can be reached at 360.943.1600.
“AWB will continue to
advocate for investments
in basic education that
improve student outcomes
and support teachers.”
Joint Committee on Article IX Litigation
Report April 9, 2018: http://bit.ly/2qcEf3j
— Amy Anderson, government
affairs director, AWB
Corporate Identity
Jenilee Antone
[email protected]
Rep. David Taylor, R-Moxee, is AWB’s 2018 Legislator of the Year. With him at left is
Rep. Drew Stokesbary, R-Auburn.
special edition 2018