issue area reports | infrastructure
Sen . Curtis King , R-Yakima , chair of the Senate Transportation Committee .
ESSB 5096 biennial transportation budget
Passed / AWB Supported
AWB supported Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5096 , sponsored by Sen . Curtis King , R-Yakima , making transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 biennium . The new budget appropriates about $ 8.5 billion over the next two years , spending $ 4.2 billion in the various capital programs . It also shifts $ 60 million of additional TPA funds to help fill the $ 149 million cost overrun on the Alaska Way Viaduct Deep Bore Tunnel project ; maintains the Connecting Washington package and only makes minor modifications by advancing some funding on five projects to earlier years ; and adds $ 162 million to existing fish passage barrier funding . The planned spending for these projects averages about $ 90 million per biennium through 2033 , still far short of the $ 2.4 billion estimated total need . It funds several studies , including :
Board of Pilotage Commissioners , I-405 Toll Data , Air Cargo , Role of the Washington Transportation Commission , and alignment of an ultra-high-speed rail line between Vancouver , B . C ., and Portland . AWB supported the transportation budget and it passed the House by a vote of 82-14 and the Senate 48-0 .
ESHB 1809 alternative fuels
Passed / AWB Supported
AWB supported Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1809 , sponsored by Rep . Jake Fey , D-Tacoma , which clarifies and expands the commercial vehicle alternative fuel incentive program . In 2015 , AWB created and funded a $ 60 million program incentivizing alternative fuels in commercial vehicles . This bill streamlines the application process and expands the eligibility criteria to auto transportation companies and commercial services . ESHB 1809 passed the House by a vote of 97-1 and the Senate by a vote of 42-6 . AWB thanks Rep . Fey and Rep . Ed Orcutt , R-Kalama , for their hard work on this legislation .
ESB 5008 real id
Passed / AWB Supported
AWB supported Engrossed Senate Bill 5008 , sponsored by Sen . Curtis King , R-Yakima , which brings Washington into compliance with the federal Real ID Act . The bill creates a two-tier licensing system , a traditional driver ’ s license and an Enhanced Driver ’ s License ( EDL ). The requirements to obtain a traditional driver ’ s licenses will not change , but beginning July 2018 , the Department of Licensing ( DOL ) will be required to provide a marking that shows it is not compliant for federal purposes . The bill also reduces the cost of an EDL to $ 78 , which is only slightly more than the current cost of a traditional license . ESB 5008 passed the House 55-41 and the Senate 36-13 .
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2017 41