Washington Business Fall 2017 | Legislative Review & Vote Record | Page 26
2017 legislative review
SHB 1655
industrial insurance stress
Failed/AWB Opposed
Substitute House Bill 1655, sponsored by
Rep. John Lovick, D-Snohomish, sought
to establish that the exclusion for stress-
caused mental conditions or disabilities
from industrial insurance occupational
disease does not apply to members of
th e Law En f orce ment O fficer s’ a nd
Firefighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF).
This would have created a special class of
workers regarding mental health claims
in industrial insurance cases. It would
have opened the door to a mental health
claim that has never been allowed in
workers’ compensation cases. This change
could have resulted in an increased cost
for all claims and ultimately could have
jeopardized the system’s viability. AWB
opposed the bill since it would allow
for mental conditions that are currently
excluded from industrial insurance claims.
employee conduct
outside of work
HB 1094
medical marijuana
Failed/AWB Opposed
House Bill 1094, sponsored by Rep. David
Sawyer, D-Tacoma, would have limited an
employer’s ability to terminate individuals
for a positive drug test if the employee had
a medical marijuana prescription. This
would have changed the current law that
allows employers to have a zero-tolerance
drug policy and jeopardize the ability for
Washington employers to obtain federal
contracts based on employee drug use.
AWB opposed the bill.
SB 5667
off-duty employee conduct
Failed/AWB Opposed
Senate Bill 5667, sponsored by Sen. Patty
Kuderer, D-Bellevue, would have made
it an unfair practice for an employer to
take an adverse employment action, or
discriminate, against an employee or
prospective employee because that person
participates in an activity that is lawful
under state law. If passed, it would have
prevented employers from refusing to
hire smokers or marijuana users, and any
other “legal activity.” This was an attempt
to circumvent the current law regarding
marijuana use. AWB opposed the bill.
SHB 1298
job applicants/arrests
Failed/AWB Neutral
Senators Marko Liias, D-Lynnwood, Democratic floor leader; Steve Hobbs, D-Lake Stevens,
ranking minority member of the Senate Transportation Committee; and Joe Fain, R-Auburn,
Republican floor leader.
24 association of washingto