issue area reports | infrastructure
Rep . Judy Clibborn , D-Mercer Island , chair of the House Transportation Committee , speaks during the dedication of the new 520 floating bridge in April .
ESHB 2524 supplemental transportation budget
Passed / AWB Supported
AWB supported Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2524 , sponsored by Rep . Judy Clibborn , D-Mercer Island , making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2015-2017 biennium . Overall , the transportation budget represents $ 8.6 billion in spending , with $ 507 million in higher-than-expected revenues . The budget maintains the commitments to the 2015 statewide revenue package , funds wage increases for State Patrol troopers , adds $ 113 million for fish passage barriers , and funds two new road projects on I-405 : an auxiliary lane northbound between SR 520 and NE 70th , and a hard shoulder running northbound between SR 527 and I-5 . AWB supported the supplemental transportation budget and it passed the House by a vote of 86-10 , and the Senate 44-5 .
2ESHB 2778 expanding ev tax exemption
Passed / AWB Supported
Second Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2778 , sponsored by Rep . Jake Fey , D-Tacoma , modifies retail sales and use tax exemption criteria for certain clean alternative fuel vehicles . The bill increases the price cap for qualifying vehicles to $ 42,500 of the MSRP , and limits the sales tax exemption to the first $ 32,000 of the selling price . The bill also requires the Department of Licensing to terminate the program two months after 7,500 vehicles have received the sales tax exemption , or by June 30 , 2019 . 2ESHB 2778 passed the House by a vote of 66-29 and the Senate by a vote of 28-15
HB 2312 / SSB 6152 modifying the operation of the interstate 405 express toll lanes
Failed / AWB Supported
AWB supported House Bill 2312 and Substitute Senate Bill 6152 , sponsored by Rep . Mark Harmsworth , R-Mill Creek , and Sen . Andy Hill , R-Redmond , modifying the operation of the Interstate 405 express toll lanes . The bills would have opened the express toll lanes for all users on nights , weekends , and holidays , and authorized the Department of Transportation to operate only one toll lane in each direction . The bills also would have prohibited expanding the toll lanes on I-405 south of Bellevue . HB 2312 and SSB 6152 received ample attention but ultimately did not pass . In response , the Washington Transportation Commission did open the toll lanes to all drivers on weekends .
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2016 29