On the 1st of January, 1940, the Empire of Japan
Though having been prepared for previously,
launched a counter-offensive operation in the Shanxi
with ticket books issued in October 1939, and fuel
Province of northern China as a part of the operation
already being rationed, Britain began rationing
known as the “Winter Offensive.” A force 10,000
food items in January 1940. Items such as
strong attacked the Chinese forces in an attempt to
bacon, cheese, butter, sugar, and tea became
support the Japanese 36th Division; the attack failed,
precious commodities, and more items would be
and was driven off by the Chinese forces within days.
rationed in the months to come. This rationing
would continue in some form until 1954.
In the skies, backed by Soviet air forces supplied
by the Soviet Volunteer Group, the Republic of China
continued to resist air raids made by the Empire of
Japan, and managed to make several raids of their
own against Japanese-held targets such as Nanning.
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