Wanderlust: Expat Life & Style in Thailand Oct / Nov 2017: The Travel Issue | Page 64

Health & Wellness Conquering Jet Lag We’ve all been there: We board our flight bursting with enthusiasm for the destination ahead, only to land with a head full of fatigue. Jet lag is often unavoidable, but there are ways to reduce its effects and how long it lingers with some careful planning and just-landed limbering. Fitness expert Ror Alexander shows us how. T he human body and its hor- mones work to the rhythms of a 24-hour clock, also known as circadian rhythms. Certain hormones rise and fall with the sun, while oth- ers are dictated by darkness. When entering a new time zone, we can confuse these hormones and cause a number of side effects familiar to frequent travelers: difficulty sleeping, anxiety, tiredness, bowel issues, loss of appetite, moodiness and lethargy. Unfortunately, there are no guar- anteed ways to prevent jet lag from setting in. There are, however, a few things we can do to minimize it. 1 Use a foam roller to release tension from tired muscles BE PREPARED When possible, get accus- tomed to the time zone you will be visiting a few days ahead of your de- parture date. This may mean stay- ing up a little later at night or hit- ting snooze on your alarm clock and sleeping in during the morning, de- pending which way you’re flying. For example, if you’re flying west, try to hit the sack past your usual bedtime; and, if you’re headed east, consider moving your bedtime forward. BLUE 2 AVOID LIGHT IN FLIGHT Put simply, the blue light emitted from our phones, tablets and gadgets keeps our brains awake. Though it can be tempting to wile away a long journey by watching a movie or get- ting some work done on the laptop, such activity is likely to wreak havoc on your hormones. A recent study by Harvard University indicated that cities with high amounts of artificial lighting had increased rates of breast cancer among the women that lived there. 64 WANDERLUST Jump ropes are lightweight for travel and can help with stretches Cobra pose makes for a relaxing post- workout exercise WWW.WANDERLUSTMAG.COM