WANDER Magazine Spring/Summer 2023 WANDER-spring 2023-for JOOMAG | Page 44

Working with our communities , farms , businesses and local government to preserve Loudoun ’ s unique and special rural environment . photo : luke Greer
cultural businesses , which she says are subject to vastly different zoning and regulations .
“ We moved back to Loudoun County from Rappahannock to farm because of the prime farmland , access to customers , and incredible farming community ,” Carlberg said . “ There shouldn ’ t be an eastern vs western Loudoun County divide on preserving land for farming . Our food can feed any resident of the county . The pandemic showed us the fragility of our supply chains , and farms in the western US are struggling with water issues . Climate change will continue to cause more extreme weather in our traditional growing areas .” Farmers in Loudoun produce and sell a diverse array of crops including grains , vegetables , livestock , fruits , and wine grapes , she pointed out , creating a secure local food system for its population if managed well . “ It would be wise for the Board of Supervisors to be forward thinking and keep the food supply near . We can support citizens of western AND eastern Loudoun if we have access to land and support from the county .”
Wisch agreed , adding that farms engaging in direct-to-consumer business models often don ’ t fit into neat zoning or business “ boxes ” causing more friction
with existing regulations and requiring innovation and imagination from the county . “ Our risk is higher ,” she added . “ We ’ re playing a different game .”
To better support farmers like Earman , Wisch , and Carlberg — not to mention Loudoun ’ s other 2,000-plus producers or the future farmers who will be so pivotal to the county ’ s wellbeing — in producing healthy food and caring for the land , Loudoun County could leverage the momentum of this recent meeting towards developing a robust and usable “ plan for agriculture .” According to American Farmland Trust , “ planning for agriculture is a policy process to help ensure a future for agriculture in a given place over a specified time period . It steers growth away from active agricultural communities , reduces regulatory barriers , encourages appropriate infrastructure development and new opportunities , and addresses sustainable use of agricultural resources .”
This forward-looking plan would include thoughtful zoning strategies that safeguard land while maintaining flexibility for evolving agricultural operations . To be sure , these sorts of zoning and land use decisions are a cornerstone of effective plans for
Working with our communities , farms , businesses and local government to preserve Loudoun ’ s unique and special rural environment . photo : luke Greer
saveruralloudounnow . org • saveruralloudoun @ gmail . com • PO BOX 2546 Purcellville , va 20134