WANDER Magazine Spring/Summer 2023 WANDER-spring 2023-for JOOMAG | Page 23

wild things

The Majestic Red-Tailed Hawk Thrives in Western Loudoun

Story and photography by Liam Mc Granaghan
“ Kee-eeee-arr !” The scream makes you to look up into the sky to see a beautiful hawk soaring overhead . As the hawk turns in the sunlight , you get a glimpse of a brilliant orange tail and immediately recognize an adult Red-tailed Hawk . Her scream serves as a warning call , alerting her mate and young of a possible threat in their territory . Surveying the surroundings , you note an old farm field and adjacent woodland . This habitat is one of the favorite haunts of the eastern Red-tailed Hawk and it is plentiful in western Loudoun . It provides food , shelter , and nesting sites , all important ingredients for their survival .
Looking back up at the Redtail , you can ’ t but help notice how big the hawk is . Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ) are one of the largest most majestic hawks in
North America . Wingspreads may be up to three feet across , and the largest may weigh up to three and a half pounds , far more than our diminutive Sharp-shinned Hawk ( Accipiter striatus ), that weighs in at just four ounces .
Besides size and the tail itself , Red-tailed hawks often sport a “ Belly band ” ( particularly the immature birds ) that makes their white chest stand . When a Red-tail is soaring , look not just for a belly band but also dark leading edges to their wing . Only Red-tails have this “ patagial mark : on the forewing .
Red-shouldered hawks , which are another common hawk in our area , lack a white chest , but instead have red finely lined chests and they sport black and white striped tails . Another clue to a Red-tail ’ s identification is its behavior . Red-tails like to hunt by being perched high up in trees , whereas Red-shouldered hawks usually hunt much closer to the ground . They will sit on the top rail of wooden paddock fences or the lowest thick wire between power poles , but rarely will a Red-tail take such a low perch .
Red-tailed Hawks , along with Red-shouldered Hawks ( Buteo lineatis ) and the less common Broadwinged Hawks ( Buteo platypterus ),
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