WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 21

Weatherlea Farm and Vineyard

An outdoor wedding on an historic working farm
weatherleafarm . com • 540-822-5097 lovettsville , virginia
A reception in a charming 19th century barn
A cozy farm stay cottage for you and your guests
A place to make your dreams come true
hosting celebrations may ~ october and overnight accomodations year round
To preserve , enhance and celebrate the Blue Ridge Mountains as a valuable resource and treasured space for present and future generations
friendsofblueridge . org • Purcellville , VA
Working with our communities , farms , businesses and local government to preserve Loudoun ’ s unique and special rural environment .
saveruralloudounnow . org • saveruralloudoun @ gmail . com • PO BOX 2546 Purcellville , va 20134