WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 18

rural roads & byways

Cycling The Unpaved Roads of Loudoun County

By Matt Shaffer

With the largest and oldest intact network of unpaved roads in the United States , Loudoun County roads hold interest and value to many enthusiast groups , from cycling to pony driving . Some of its roads date back to the 1700s and have contributed significantly to Loudoun ’ s history . In 2020 , the County ’ s 300-year-old rural road network received recognition as a valuable historic asset , as the

Virginia Department of Historic Resources ( VDHR ) declared the roads officially eligible for listing on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places .
Currently , over 250 miles of gravel roads exist in western Loudoun County ; they meander through beautiful landscapes , natural features , and Civil War sites , and meet up with historic bridges and mills , cideries , breweries and wineries . Miles of unpaved roads remain in their original configuration , shaped by centuries of travel and the migration and settlement patterns of the county ’ s early populations . Today ’ s travelers on these roads can view Loudoun ’ s landscape much as it was in the 18th and 19th centuries .
So where are all these gravel roads and how do you find them ? The Loudoun County Office of Mapping and Geographic Information has developed an application enabling users to view the unpaved roads of Loudoun . The app is an online map that allows users to comment on roads they travel . This will in turn help staff keep the map updated to current conditions . County road surfaces can change quickly from asphalt to gravel , so the map will help travelers plan their bike , riding or running paths . The map also indicates whether unpaved roads are public or private , and the entity responsible for its maintenance .
To see this and other online Loudoun County apps check out Loudoun . gov / geohub . There you will find other helpful apps as well . Explore Loudoun has information for county and town park systems along with history and scenic rivers . Leesburg Area Parks , Smart Planning Apps , Tools for Well-Being , Public Safety , and Optimizing Your Commute are just a few of additional resources available .
Championing for Gravel Roads
When it comes to good times on the gravel this group is the real deal . A typical Sunday for the “ Gravel Rats ” includes 25-30 miles of breathtaking scenery , fellowship and wellness .
BikeLoudoun is one of several organizations working to advocate for these unpaved treasures and to create greater awareness of their
18 wander I spring • Summer 2021