WANDER Magazine Fall/Winter 2022 Fall/Winter 2022 | Page 37

It ’ s a Family Affair at Sisters Garlic Co .


Garlic : it ’ s one of the most versatile and important ingredients found in cooking throughout each continent of the world . Its flavor profile varies widely depending on which cultivar is used ( there are hundreds of different varieties ) and how it ’ s prepared . Chopped , raw garlic will add sharpness and pungency to a dish , while sauteed garlic provides a more muted flavor . When you roast garlic , it becomes creamy and refined , almost

PHOTo : sarah burke bordering on umami . It can be used as a supporting flavor or shine like a star .
In addition to playing an irresistible role in cuisine , garlic has been prized by cultures across the world for medicinal purposes as far back as the 6th century BC . According to the United States ( U . S .) National Institutes of Health ( NIH ), garlic and its extracts may help prevent and / or treat cardiovascular diseases , cancer , diabetes , and other illnesses , like influenza . When fresh , raw garlic is chopped , crushed , or chewed , an important enzyme is activated which may be responsible for these health benefits . However , they somewhat decrease when garlic is cooked or aged .
According to Pennsylvania State University , garlic consumption in the U . S . has skyrocketed since the 1980s . Most garlic sold in U . S . grocery stores comes from large-scale farming areas with mild climates , mainly as imports from China ( the world ’ s largest garlic distributor ), Argentina , and Mexico . A smaller percentage comes from the West Coast , particularly California . Like many commercially grown crops , garlic is often treated with pesticides and preserved to maintain freshness during the distribution process .
As an alternative to commercially grown garlic , Loudoun ’ s own Sisters Garlic Co . is attempting to bring artisanal , homegrown garlic to the table . Since its inception in 2017 , this family-owned and operated company has experimented with raising various hard neck cultivars without harmful chemicals ; those that thrive on their farm continue to be cultivated . If you ’ ve frequented any restaurants in Leesburg , there ’ s a chance you ’ ve already sampled their incredible farm to table garlic . Naturally grown garlic tends to have a considerably stronger flavor than commercially grown garlic , so less is needed to flavor a particular dish . I recently had the pleasure of visiting Sisters Garlic Co . for myself and can attest I am now fully converted to the natural garlic movement .

It ’ s an overcast but blistering hot summer day when I head to the Sisters Garlic Co . farm in Hamilton , Virginia . I find myself admiring the treelined view along the winding country road and almost miss my turn . When I finally pull into the farm , I ’ m welcomed by Peter Burnett and Ellie Wallace . We start chatting under an arbor of climbing hydrangeas that emerge from a stone patio , and Peter ’ s wife brings us freshly picked blueberries to snack on . It ’ s heavenly .

Sisters Garlic Co . started as a family endeavor between Peter
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