WANDER Magazine Fall/Winter 2022 Fall/Winter 2022 | Page 22

Seniors from Loudoun Valley High School were part of the Capstone Program and received school credit for working on the Sleeter Lake bioswale project .
Without precautions Sleeter Lake , even at 100 acres , will become a less hospitable environment for fish and wildlife .
This type of problem , of course , is not limited to Sleeter Lake . To a greater or lesser extent it is a problem facing all lakes and ponds throughout the County .
In early 2021 , Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains ( FBRM ) began to develop a plan to help address the problems associated with parking lot runoff . With assistance from James Remuzzi , President and founder of Sustainable Solutions , a natural resource management company , FBRM looked into the feasibility of building a demonstration bioswale . At the time , Remuzzi was an FBRM Board member .
The Town of Round Hill , FBRM and Sustainable Solutions all agreed that a full-size bioswale for Sleeter Lake was beyond FBRM ’ s capacity . However , Norm Myers , FBRM Vice President pointed out that by building a small demonstration project , FBRM could show what a bioswale looks like , how it works and , perhaps most importantly , how the talents and energy of local high school students could be harnessed to help solve a local pollution problem .
A bioswale is a shallow , troughlike depression that is generally vegetated and mulched . It is designed to direct and concentrate stormwater runoff to trap debris such as sentiment , sticks and leaves before they reach the water . A bioswale also removes pollutants . It does this because it is designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale . As the stormwater runoff flows through the bioswale , the pollutants are captured and settled by the leaves and stems of the plants . The pollutants then enter the soil where they decompose or can be broken down by bacteria in healthy soil . The longer the runoff stays within the bioswale , the better the pollutant removal outcome .
Bioswales can also be beneficial in recharging groundwater and decreasing the velocity of stormwater runoff . They also help by removing standing ponds that can attract mosquitos . Additionally , bioswales are generally aesthetically pleasing and attract animals and create habitats .
FBRM had ambitious objectives for the project . According to Patric Copeland , member of FBRM ’ s Board of Directors , one of FBRM ’ s priorities for this project was to demonstrate an environmentally sound and cost-effective way to reduce
pollution runoff into Sleeter Lake and develop a model for community involvement in the project . To this end , FBRM engaged with the Loudoun Valley High School Capstone Program .
The Capstone Program , which is available in many Loudoun County high schools , provides an opportunity for not-for-profit , community-based organizations to arrange internships for high school seniors to take on well-defined tasks for the benefit of the students , the organizations , and the communities they serve .
The Capstone Program is run individually by each high school and therefore operates somewhat differently from school to school . The purpose of the Loudoun Valley High School Capstone is to provide graduates with meaningful experiences , self-fulfillment , and opportunities for post-secondary success through civic engagement and career exploration .
Qualifying seniors are excused from classes in the later part of the school year in order to pursue an internship , community service project , or career development opportunity . In general , the Capstone work period is the final two weeks of May and the student is expected to work a total of about 75 hours during that period . In order to participate , the student must be in good standing with all academic classes at Loudoun Valley and have passed all their SOL tests .
Career development opportunities can range from internships to job shadowing . Students have discretion in choosing their project , as long as the project will provide an authentic experience . Community service projects can
22 wander I fall • winter 2022