Recognizing the value of preserved historic properties , Loudoun Preservation Society manages the Historic Plaque Program for the Town of Leesburg and other properties in the County of Loudoun . Owners of historic properties may apply for a historic plaque under one of two categories : architectural significance or historic significance . The building must also possess historic integrity , as evidenced by the survival of physical characteristics that existed during the building ’ s period of significance .
Information and applications available at : www . preserveloudoun . org
to sAve Loudoun ’ s rurAl roAds .
Join us .
AmericasRoutes . com preservation . We need a combination of thoughtful incentives and appropriate regulations to influence these myriad private decisions . And , in government itself , we need to ensure that we have the specific goals , policies , training and decision criteria to guide individual licensing and approval decisions . It is important that Loudoun ’ s political and business leaders recognize and understand the sensitivity of this critical asset that rests upon individual decisions and reflect that understanding in the policies they establish , the decisions they make , and the guidance they give to members of their organizations . Ambiguous goals , vague policies , easily granted exceptions and approval of inappropriate individual applications will add up to long-term disaster for Loudoun .
As an example , at this moment the County is engaged in rewriting its Zoning Ordinance . This complex and highly technical document is something few of us will ever read through . But it is a critical source of guidance and legal authority regarding specific proposals and projects that could profoundly impact our rural future . It defines , in detail , what is legally allowed and what is not allowed in proposed new projects . Its language can either guide landowners , developers and decision makers to protect and preserve this precious landscape or allow it to deteriorate beyond the point of no return . What is in it and what is left out will have a huge impact on our future .
Residents of Loudoun , we need to pay attention . We must make our voices heard , participate in public sessions , and take advantage of opportunities to speak out . We need to let our Supervisors know what we want . We need to let our neighbors know what we think . We are all in this together , but we have to take individual responsibility and individual action to retain this resource we all say we love .
With the right guidance , goals and incentives , together with our active participation and caring , our thoughtful small decisions will carry us forward in the right direction and ensure the stability and durability of Loudoun ’ s unique character and advantages for generations to come . And then Loudoun will continue to flourish as the special place we love .
Mitch Diamond is a retired businessman and active preservationist who lives with his wife and multiple horses , cows , donkeys , dogs and a goat on a historic farm near the old Quaker village of Unison in rural Loudoun County .