oun is to have processing and aggregation capabilities that let producers get their products to market and actually earn money from farming . The ability to get products to stores , restaurants and directly to consumers requires a certain amount of infrastructure .
Processing is especially important for what we are dealing with now . People are looking to buy things locally . The issue for local producers is that there aren ’ t enough processors — it ’ s really a bottleneck . Most meat producers go outside the area for processing because there is no place that offers it here . If someone has been in business for ten years , they probably have a relationship with a processor , and a slot in that operation . But if somebody new opens up , there might not be a slot . If they add more animals , their may not be a processor to handle it . We are in a position to expand production , but again , it ’ s the processing that ’ s the bottleneck . Loudoun County still ranks in the top third in the state in beef cattle , but we have the capacity for more .
Vegetable production faces a similar dilemma .
To sell to a grocery store , you need to be GAP certified , which stands for “ Good Agricultural Practices .” This certification program is very record-keeping intensive and sets standards for facilities doing produce washing and packaging . I ’ ve gotten into producing grain , which requires cleaning and milling , and the mill has to be licensed for human consumption , and there isn ’ t one in Loudoun County .
Q What about farmer ’ s markets ?
Farmers ’ markets are definitely a critical piece of the puzzle in allowing producers to sell directly to consumers . We need as many of these retail avenues as possible , so the farmers don ’ t have to drive a long way . Some don ’ t have the staffing or the time to do farmers ’ markets . Some need to sell to restaurants . CSAs are great , and COVID has made them a more lucrative option
PHOTO : wib middleton
Chris Van Vlack with favorite 1210 David Brown vintage tractor .