Wall Street Letter VOL. XLV, No. 31 – Sept. 30, 2013 | Page 8

NEWS 08 move to make access more seamless and workflows more intuitive (WSL Online, 9/19). Hess said he doesn’t know how many firms will be participating in the beta test for Advent Direct, but added: “There are more people that want to be in beta than what we can take.” Participants will come from all types of firms and Advent clients, including hedge funds, fund administrators, wealth managers and traditional asset managers, said Hess, adding that spreading out the beta will provide the vendor with better results. Todd Gottula, chief technology officer, noted the company has been selective about beta participants because the process is expected to be intense. “We want regularly incorporated feedback in a timely fashion. It’s a time commitment for them,” he said. “In days we will send you a new update and then ask you to give us feedback on what we have updated and changed.” Hess added the beta participants are all considered thought leaders in the industry but have also been chosen because they will have patience with the new software. “They do it because they want to influence the outcome,” he said. EXCHANGES & ATSs CBSX shakes up RMM appointment process The CBOE Stock Exchange is shaking up the process by which it appoints securities to its Remote Market Makers (RMMs), according to its latest filing at the SEC. The exchange has typically required its RMMs to apply for appointments in securities, but now the market makers will go through a selection process, CBSX said. The intention is to make the process timelier and offer more flexibility for RMMs, it added. “The exchange believes this will provide RMMs with more efficient access to the securities in which they want to make markets and disseminate competitive quotations, which will provide additional liquidity and enhance competition in those securities,” CBSX said. Under the new process, CBSX will consider the RMM selections and then make its appointments. The same factors for the decisions will be applied, CBSX said, including preference, maintenance and enhancement of competition among RMMS in each security, and whether an RMM would have the financial resources to satisfy its obligations if it were assigned the security. CBSX noted the change should provide some additional liquidity in the names due to the expected increased speed of the assignment process. at a price higher than intended, it added. Instead, allowing traders to enter trades with limit prices at nonstandard increments will eliminate some of the risk. “A result of the proposed change is that participants who wish to provide meaningful price improvement and a reduced transaction cost to the opposite side of the trade can do so without incurring the additional risk of executing at a price more aggressive than their desired limit,” the exchange stated. TSX confirmed in the filing that the change is only intended for dark midpoint orders and the order will still only be executed at the midpoint, as per regulatory mandate. EXCHANGES & ATSs More comprehensive testing and better monitoring of financial trading systems could help smooth the instances of technology glitches across the industry, according to technology executives monitoring the financial markets. The last few months have been rife with glitch-triggered market issues, from Nasdaq OMX Group ?&\?]X??X?X?^?Y?YKZ?\?[[?]Y?\???\???\?X?H[???\??]Y?\?[??HT?[?[?]?\?K???H\??Y\?\?H[?Y][?????\???Z\?Y?B????\?H?Y??^\?Y[??Y]B???Y\??Y??\][??\[?B??&?\??\?8?&H[? ? L ??[??]?]?\???YY?X?????B???X?\?]?Y??? H?[???[?\??\?H???\??]]?X][??\X?[]Y\???ZYH?Y\?H?Y?\??H?\?Z[???\?\?]??&]?\??\?[??B??Y?]K??H??H?[?[??X[?\?\?\???\[?H?????] [??Y[??Y?H?[??[??[?[??X[[??]][?????HH?[??[??[???B????[????\?[?\??[??[Y[??[?\??H???????^?[??H[??[???Y\???[?\?[Z]?X?\?[???\?[?\??Y[??[??[Y[????\??ZY?[??\??X???[??H????[???HH^?[??H]?\??[?????[Y[?]H?\?[??X?\?]Y\???[Z\??[?????ZY]?[???XZ?HH?\X?[]H]?Z[X?H???\??]\?????????Y\??[??]X][???\?HB???XY?\?H????X?]\?H?8?&\?\??ZY?[???\???[??H?H^X?]Y]B?ZY?[??H?][?[?\??Y?[???\??Y\???[??&]\HH[Z]??X?HY?\?H\??\??H?Y[??[??[Y[??]?Y[?H???[?H????H^?[??H^Z[?Y ??Y?HZY?[??[??\?[?B??\???[[?\?Z[??^X?]Y??P?????B??X?^X???Y??\??\?[??[?]?[???[???]?\??