Wall of Awesome Volume 1 | Page 23

This is a sly novel, in a good way.

It seduces with its lush, witty voice, and the sheer erudition of a narrator who casually references Plato's cave parable while being fucked through spilled ink on his desk.

It pulls you into the peach blossom foam of its poetry, and you sink back with a superior little smile, so titillated by the champagne prickle of sparkling sarcasm, that you don't notice its lethal edge until you pull your hands out and stare incredulously at the blood welling up from all those little nicks the blade of sarcasm leaves on human flesh.

A bold, bright, exceedingly well-told story with an underlying warmth that defies its often scathing tone, this is already one of my top picks of the year.

Glitterland is unlike any book i've ever read before.

This book jus' totes blew me hair back, babes. Ferrealz. :-) Some of the best dialogue I've seen the entire year.

Perhaps what makes this story for me is the way Hall effortlessly brings the characters to life in such a way that if we were to meet them on the street, we’d recognise them instantly (and it’s not just the way they talk). At times playful, and others quite poignant, Glitterland maintains a careful balance between its moods with a joyfully exuberant pace. And hell, I was sorry to turn the last page on this story.


--an unscheduled, inopportune OMG-it-sucked-me-in-and-it’s-blowing-my-mind-there’s-no-stopping I can’t really do better than this.

It was crazy funny, sad, heartbreaking, happy, and all around beautiful.

Amazing writing, too. Chapter/segment titles of precise, sharp excellence.

I am going to re-read this soon, and properly, because… yes.